Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Highwoods sells retail centers for $62.1M - Kansas City Business Journal:
for $62.1 million, the Raleigh-based real estate investment trust said The threecenters are, on average, 94.5 percent leasedf and 55 years old. They generatre a combined net operating incomeof $5.4 millionm a year, Highwoods (NYSE: HIW) “Our focus remains on continuing to improve the overall qualitg of our portfolio through the disposition of older, non-core assets,” said Ed president and chief executive officer of Highwoods. “Ib addition, by selling these capital intensiveretail centers, we are avoidinf over $3 million in building improvements that woulde have been incurred over the next two Our 2.
3 million square feet of office and retaikl properties in Kansas City are now exclusivelt located in and around the Country Club a unique, upscale retail center that includes many high-end nationalk retailers.” As of March 31, Highwoods ownes or had an interest in 382 in-service industrial and retail properties encompassing about 35.4 million square

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Turkmenistan: Activists Freed After Unjust Jailing - Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch

Turkmenistan: Activists Freed After Unjust Jailing

Human Rights Watch

The Turkmen authorities have long used the judicial system and long-term imprisonment to suppress civic activism and settle political scores. So while we celebrate Amanklychev and Khajiev's long overdue freedom, the pressing question remains, how many ...

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Control which Foursquare check-in alerts your iPhone receives - CNET (blog)

Control which Foursquare check-in alerts your iPhone receives

CNET (blog)

You can now control which Foursquare check-ins will trigger an alert on your iPhone. Previously, you were able only to turn alerts on or off for a particular Foursquare friend, and that's still the case for Android and BB10 users. With the latest ...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Judge rules Delphi can cancel salaried retiree health benefits - Business First of Buffalo:
The move will eliminater benefits as early as April 1for 15,000 people, includinfg those in the Dayton area. The Mich.-based auto parts supplier, which has been operating under Chaptetr 11 bankruptcy protection sinceOctober 2005, said ridding itselfr of the insurance costsa will save it more than $70 million Judge Robert Drain, who issued his rulinf less than three weeks after the company filedc its request to drop the coverage, commented that Delphi will save $1.5 milliom a week, the Detroit News reported. Garr Graber, a Buffalo lawyer who specializese in Chapter 11 bankruputcy lawfor , said the judge’s decision can be appealed but such appeals are seldo m successful.
Graber, speaking before the ruling was expected the judge to order a modification of the coverage rather thanoutrighr cancellation. “Ultimately the judge will have to consider whetheer or not thedebtor - Delphki - can reorganize and/or survive withou a modification of its retiree benefits,” he said. “That’s reallyg the question: Can the company survive?”

Friday, February 1, 2013

National Semiconductor to cut up to 1,725 jobs - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Santa Clara-based National Semi (NYSE:NSM) also reported thirrd quarter net incomeof $21.2 or 9 cents a share, and sales of $292 Compared to last year, sales decreased approximately 36 percent from the $453 million reportedr in the third quarter of fiscal 2008, and earningds per diluted share declined from the 29 cents recorde d one year ago. The company, which said it expects fourth quarte sales to be down 5 to10 percent, said it is takingg steps to reduce overall expenses and shifr more of its R&D investmentd "towards new and emerging growth opportunities." The job cuts will be made worldwid e in product lines, sales and marketing, manufacturing and support functions.
The companyg will close its assembly and test plant in China and its wafer fabrication plantin Texas. The closures will occufr in phases overseveral quarters, eventually resulting in the eliminatio of an additional 875 The volume currently being supported by thesde two facilities will be transferred primarilh to other National locations, the company said. Afterr the consolidation, National will have thres manufacturing facilities: wafer fabrication plante in South Portland, Maine and Scotland and an assembly and test facilityin Malaysia.
The company expectd to incur between $160 million and $180 million in consisting of severances, asset impairments and othe exit-related costs, of whicbh $130 million to $145 milliohn would likely be recorded in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2009 and the remainder inensuingf quarters. National currently employs about 6,500 people worldwide, and these actionz will result in the elimination of 26 percent ofthe company'ws workforce.