Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Lawmakers approve full-fledged Texas A&M San Antonio campus - San Antonio Business Journal:
The law allows the state to released $40 million in tuition revenuer bonds to begin constructioh on the first building on the campus The localTexas A&M campus had been operating as an extensionb site of Texas A&M-Kingsville. Effective the local university will no longer operate under theKingsville banner. Texas A&M University-San Antonio needed to achieve an enrollmenty thresholdof 1,500 students befores tuition revenue bonds could be disbursed. The school is currently offering classes at temporary sites at and facilitiex owned by San Antonio IndependentSchool District. Stat Rep. Joe Farias, D-San Antonio, joined the governor and Helej Madla, the widow of the late Texasa Sen.
Frank Madla Jr., at a bill signing for Senate Bill 629. Madla was a major advocate of establishinhga four-year institution on San Antonio’sd South Side up until his death in 2006. “Today markas the biggest step forward for this campus sincreits creation,” Farias says. “Not only can the universityh proudly begin using its own but now we can lay some real brickse and mortar and start donated 700 acres of land tothe A&k System to allow it to begin buildint a campus.
Texas A&M System Chancellor Michaek McKinney andTexas A&M-San Antonio Executive Director Maria Hernandexz Ferrier were also present at the signing ceremony in “It is an honor to work with so many wonderful peoplr in the community, our faculty and staff and our legislatorsd that have supported the university’s growthb and vision from the beginning,” Ferrier says. “Theuy say it takes the entirew team to get the ball acrosd the goal line and the collectiv e efforts of these individuals certainly are evidence of Texas A&M-San Antonio will now work to unveil a new school colors, mascot, seal and ring as part of its new

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